Category Archives: News

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“Go read this site, as it deserves to be read by everyone”
– Brent Todd, The Weblog Review just got reviewed by The Weblog Review and Brent Todd said some really nice things about it. So thanks Brent!

The review mentioned two things that he didn’t like as much… one the splash page (which says Locating sneaker… and second that the site was a little slow. Well, the splash page is purely eye-candy and was put up there for me to putz around with JavaScript more than anything else. It’s really not needed. But then I felt it worked along with the randomness theme of the site so I kept it. So what do you think? Should I keep the splash or lose it?? Leave your opinons in the comments for this blog (Someone better start using those comment things… no one’s used it yet!)

Regarding the speed issue for the site… well, it is running on a really really old PC. It’s a Pentium 200 mhz with 64 MB RAM running RedHat Linux and Apache. Unfortunately since I’m using server-side includes (shtml) to syndicate the content and using a cgi script to put the counts for the blog entires it’s not as speedy as I would like it to be. I could probably tune it a bit, but the traffic isn’t high enough to justify it yet. Might do that the next weekend I get some time. Anyhow, depending on when I run out of diskspace and processing power, the site may need to be moved over to a box with a little more juice than the current one!

Anyhow, check out the review for and don’t forget to rate it yourself for the user’s rating!!

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More syndicated blogs and comment counts!

Okay, I decided that it’s time to take down the static content from this page completely and make it completely dynamic and syndicate all the blogs I have onto this page. So now the most recent additions to whatsnew, writings, quotes and reviews will all be right here on the front page to greet you!

Also, thanks to my good friend karenika for helping me add comment counts to the blogs. And as I told her too — I still don’t like perl 😉 It just doesn’t lend itself to good design (okay, I’m bracing myself for the flames on this one…

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Site update and new stuff…

writings seems to be where most of my time devoted to the website has gone lately. So check those out!

Also, I’ve now added a guest book by modifying knurdle’s cgicomments package to work for the time being. This was primarily at the request of someone who IM’d me saying I didn’t have a guestbook or she would have left some comments. So here it is!

Among other changes, some minor backend adjustments to clean up the directory organization on the server which should have no visible impact to you if I did them right and also plugged in WebTrends Live so I can get some stats on the site. Obviously I am so far the most frequent visitor 😉

I’m looking for more cool things to add to the site – technically speaking. gimmicks. I like gimmicks in case you didn’t noice. So now that I already have funky javascripts, style sheets, frames, blogger, cgis, cookies, IM status etc. (heck, I even have a favicon!) on already, looking for more funky new things to play with. So if you have ideas contact me and let me know!

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Sneaker:2, Netscape:0

Yeah Netscape! Take that again!

Okay, I screwed around some more with JavaScript and got the images in the pictures section to actually work properly int he pop up window for Netscape. Of course, the results of the IE-Netscape battle are in and Netscape sucks.

Oh, also just added the cool little cookie thingy to freak you out. I don’t really track any of that information, but I’m sure it will freak some people out to know that it’s possible for their browser to count the number of times they’ve been here! 😉 Initially tried to use a canned script for it, but it didn’t work worth crap. (See the fun exchange on JavaScript (which I’m now tempted to call GuavaScript as I read on someone else’s blog since it is a disgrace to use the word Java in something so finicky! … oops nested parentheses…. I must be in lisp mode today! (geek joke, if you get it, you’re a GEEK)) in quotes about that too…) So I landed up writing it myself and it’s a LOT cleaner now and works in both browsers.

No one’s leaving me any comments! no fair! Leave some comments.

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Sneaker:1, Netscape:0

Yeah Netscape! Take that!

So after a little bit of putzing around with stylesheets last night, I finally got Netscape to render these pages a little better than the piss-poor, loser-like, pathetic job that it has been doing thus far. So for those of you unfortunate souls still using Netscape… no… my layout skills are not really as screwed up as they looked like they were so far. Hopefully things will look better now.

For more on Netscape, see the upcoming rant on it in reviews in a bit….

Sections which are updated regularly are: quotes, writings, reviews, whatsnew and links.

BTW, just recently set up cgicomments (thanks to knurdle) on the blogs so that I can get your comments on stuff! Lets see how that works!

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