Alcohol, Blogging and the Net

Ack! (and yes, I meant ack, not yak! ;-)) It’s 5:30 in the freaking morning on a Friday. I’m wide awake (or what would at least be considered physically awake) trying to drink a couple of glasses of water. Not because it’s a blazing 75 degrees (see, I know this thanks to weatherbug which put a nice little tempterature icon in my system tray. It’s actually a cool little app, except for all the advertising thrown all over it, but it’s great for knowing what the temperature is outside, esp for all of us people who spend more time in front of this idiot box than out side… but I digress and my parenthetical writing (defined as writing in parentheses) is getting out of control as usual… so back to the topic at hand….). It’s just wrong for the temperature to be 75 degrees at this time of the morning in Pittsburgh.

Anyhow, I’m sitting here guzzling ice-water because last night, a co-worker and I decided to go drink. And when I say drink, I mean drink. I had 2 GTs (Gin and Tonic, 2 limes), 3 LIITs (Long Island Iced Teas) and 1 Baileys across three different establishments — The Foundry Ale Works, The Church Brew Works and The Pittsburgh Deli Company (and they all have websites! how cool is that!). I think my co-worker probably had it rougher than I did since I’m up at this hour writing while he said he may not be in in the morning 😉

But being up at this hour after drinking that much it definitely took all my mental muscle to try and remember what I was going to ramble about today. I thought of three things, and by the time I got back after refreshing my glass of water, they had literally escaped and I had to think real hard and write them down lest I forget them again! And I still can’t remember what it was that I wanted to put in the quotes file from last night! So anyway…. for now, I’m just going to post the titles of what I was going to write about because I think I’m going back to bed. Will write the actual stuff sometime tomorrow!

  • The real truth about alcohol

  • Blogger for the Palm

  • Does the Internet make us narrow minded?

    Stay tuned…

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  • Sneaker:2, Netscape:0

    Yeah Netscape! Take that again!

    Okay, I screwed around some more with JavaScript and got the images in the pictures section to actually work properly int he pop up window for Netscape. Of course, the results of the IE-Netscape battle are in and Netscape sucks.

    Oh, also just added the cool little cookie thingy to freak you out. I don’t really track any of that information, but I’m sure it will freak some people out to know that it’s possible for their browser to count the number of times they’ve been here! 😉 Initially tried to use a canned script for it, but it didn’t work worth crap. (See the fun exchange on JavaScript (which I’m now tempted to call GuavaScript as I read on someone else’s blog since it is a disgrace to use the word Java in something so finicky! … oops nested parentheses…. I must be in lisp mode today! (geek joke, if you get it, you’re a GEEK)) in quotes about that too…) So I landed up writing it myself and it’s a LOT cleaner now and works in both browsers.

    No one’s leaving me any comments! no fair! Leave some comments.

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    Relationships are like string. Once they’re broken, there will always be a knot if you try and put them together again.

    :Translated from a doha by Bhakti-poet Kabir which we were made to read in school. Taken from a recent IM conversation.

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