Twitter updates for 2010-06-14

  • That last tweet needs to be read to the tune of 'We didn't start the fire' (..oil in the Middle East, minerals in Afghanistan. We didn't..) #
  • hmm… oil in Middle East, minerals in Afghanistan. RT @bfeld: U.S. Discovers Vast Riches of Minerals in Afghanistan – #
  • RT @twilio: pics frm TechCrunch party in SF are up! Thanks everyone who came to visit us at Twilio/SocialGold #tcmeetup #
  • #FutureOil RT @BPGlobalPR: We are not killing animals in the gulf, we are creating fossils in the gulf. Have a little perspective. #bpcares #
  • Hanging old slate painting in my home/office: Found this in 1st real office for my 1st startup. Very appropriate! #
  • Finally managed to fix malfunctioning garage door light. Now the neighbors won't think I leave for work at crazy hours of the night! 🙂 #
  • +1 RT @fredwilson: Just did this and it is awesome: Using YQL and Pipes to make an OS X screensaver of The Big Picture #
  • Yes. RT @venturehype: RT @inovia: For those Entrepreneurs turned VC, when looking back, would you invest in your first Company as a VC? #

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Twitter updates for 2010-06-12

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Twitter updates for 2010-06-11

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