Twitter updates for 2010-02-13

  • Apple Store to pick up my MacBook Air. Next day turn around, not bad at all! β€” at Apple Store, Palo Alto #
  • RT @divbhansali The biggest danger in America right now: the belief that your uninformed opinion is worth exactly as much as my actual facts #
  • Commentary/analysis on #Neufeld Memo by an immigration attorney: 'Do You Control Your H-1B Workers? USCIS Wants to Know' #
  • USCIS' Neufeld Memo is a real blow to using H-1B visa for immigrant founder-employees #startupvisa #Neufeld #
  • Correction to my previous tweet re Plaxo: Wasn't a @plaxo problem, but someone on FB who I absolutely don't recognize. #
  • IMHO Google Buzz has the potential to be a real buzz-kill for Facebook, Twitter, Yelp, Foursquare, Gowalla and more. #
  • Amazingly poignant/persuasive #TED talk by Jamie Oliver 'simple' topic of food. Teach Kids About Food. #
  • I've connected my @Twitter account to my Google Buzz, but my tweets don't show up in Buzz. What gives? #
  • RT @Bill_Gross: Gary Lauder gave great talk on how to save time/money/resources @ stop signs w/new type of yield. #TED #
  • Great post. The iPad form-factor changes everything IMHO RT @om: Why I Am Excited About the iPad from @gigaom #
  • Cool stuff RT @techreview: Microsoft Adds "Augmented Reality" to Bing Maps: At the TED conference this week,… #
  • Plaxo sends message saying they connected me to someone because of FBConnect, except person not an FB friend! #Plaxo #FAIL #
  • The iPhone is so not conducive to being able to go back to sleep at night. So much good stuff to explore on the 'Internets' πŸ˜‰ #
  • w/Buzz @Google desperately needs to allow for consolidating multiple GMail identities & setting a default public profile. #GMailMultiplicity #
  • RT @sidraj: Good feedback makes you feel good but bad feedback makes you good. #
  • RT @elatable: This post does a good job debunking some of the disinformation re: Buzz: #
  • Cool stuff. Use this or ProtoVis? RT @newsycombinator: Announcing Google Chart Tools #
  • Twitter did this right. RT @TechCrunch: Watch Out Who You Reply To On Google Buzz, You Might Be Exposing Their Email #

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Twitter updates for 2010-02-11

  • Insanely simple SMS apps w/ Twilio RT @twilio: 1. Get Twilio SMS 2. Build an SMS app 3. Be a Hero! #SMSapps #hero #
  • Stuff like this just doesn't sit right with me. 'Buy Now, Pay Later (Maybe With Your Allowance)' :NYTimes #
  • Bummed I can't make it. RT @Stanford: ETL Seminar today: Panel of Young Entrepreneurs, 4:30pm, Skilling Auditorium #
  • Step 1 after getting #Buzz'd – unfollow @Scobleizer. Sorry Robert, but even your Buzz is already way too much of a firehose! πŸ™‚ #
  • Just got #Buzz'd #
  • #plan Reception and Screening of the WAVC Documentary Film on the Founders of Venture… Thu, Mar 25, 2010, 6:00pm #
  • Wd love to see this πŸ˜‰ #MBAfail RT @Bill_Gross: Marshmellow & spaghetti challenge – MBA's make a plan, kids do prototypes, and kids win #TED #
  • 'The best & brightest come to study at U.S. universities. After graduation, they are forced to leave' :@ericschmidt #

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Twitter updates for 2010-02-10

  • RT @jasonmendelson: Why Do I Need Facebook When I Have Twitter? – #
  • RT @cdixon: Prediction: Google's Twitter killer will be lame. A few billion dollars later they buy Twitter. #
  • .@satishd I wish GMail had an open API, but they don't. @google should open labs API and create GMail Appstore. #
  • Good to catch up with the @occipital team! RT @vikasreddy: At University Cafe with @jrpowers and @manukumar. – #
  • I wish there was an GMail Labs thing that let me send a message to everyone from whom I have an email in my inbox or in a particular folder. #
  • Sucks that is currently giving a not Found error πŸ˜‰ #
  • Buzz looks like Google's response to: Twitter, Facebook, Foursquare, Gowalla, Delicious, Yelp, FriendFeed, Likaholix & more. #
  • Google Buzz also reminds me of FriendFeed, but I have to admit that I'll prob like the GMail intergration. #
  • Just realized that the big Y! also has/had a product called Buzz And now Google Buzz. Such creative product naming. #
  • Watching the live webcast for 'Google Buzz' : A Google approach to sharing, integrated in GMail #
  • So true. RT @martenmickos: At board meetings of startups: Bad news is good news. Good news is no news. No news is bad news. #
  • RT @usv: More about our investment in @twilio and their new SMS service #
  • Informative post. RT @bgurley: On the specifics of accounting for virtual item business models #
  • OMG, Twilio does SMS RT @TechCrunch: Twilio's Telephony API Now Lets Applications Send And Receive SMS Messages – #
  • RT @JasonLBaptiste: @twilio is the most pimp company of the year. @davemcclure @manukumar @fredwilson @sacca will hit a homerun with this 1. #
  • Especially a pig w/lipstick. RT @urbanhiker: "Never wrestle with a pig. You both get dirty, and the pig likes it." – @rdshear #
  • 'OMG your app can txt!' Twilio does SMS. RT @twilio: Introducing Our Ridiculously Simple Twilio SMS API #

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Twitter updates for 2010-02-09

  • RT @homecaredentist: "If it came from a plant, eat it; if it was made in a plant, don’t.” Good tip from Michael Pollan's latest book. #
  • Looks unreal, but great pics. RT @Stanford: Breathtaking HDR photos from @TreyRatcliff-led photowalk at Stanford: #
  • Liking the new @TweetDeck v0.33.0 release. Fixes the keyboard navigation bugs I was having trouble with before. #
  • MacBook Air update: Wasn't battery, but hinge that broke. Waiting for Apple Store to get part before it can be repaired cc @BatteryGenius #
  • RT @veen: Just found this collection of iPad UI conventions pulled from frames of Apple's demo videos. So interesting. #
  • Doing a start is like grad school on steroids. Ride the rollercoaster. RT @naval: Y Combinator vs. Graduate School: #
  • lol RT @niallsmart: I'm no mad man, but I'm pretty sure the Google superbowl ad would be better if he clicked "I'm feeling lucky" somewhere. #
  • RT @martenmickos: Wonderful article on company culture at – – good inspiration for startups! #
  • Add Facebook to that too. RT @loic: "We check Twitter because of our fear of being left out" Seth Godin #linchpin #
  • RT @deekay It's not the responsibility of a reader to finish reading a book. It's the responsibility of the book to keep the reader engaged #
  • I watached a full 0.00 seconds of the #SuperBowl. Much happier spending that time with friends, but with no TV on. Who won? #Don'tCare #KMap #
  • Interesting read by @vwadhwa RT @TechCrunch: Silicon Valley: You and Some of Your VC’s have a Gender Problem #

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