What better way to procrastinate…

… than to update my blog! I have an exam in about half an hour, but this is so much more fun to do 🙂

There is some new stuff everywhere. So feel free to check it out. Oh and don’t forget to look at the Stanford pictures. The weather here is perfect, the campus is gorgeous. Why would I want to go anywhere else? (okay, the ratio in the bay area sucks, but that’s a whole other story for another time! 🙂 )

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L’Auberge Espagnole

L’Auberge Espagnole is a movie about seven international students sharing an apartment in Spain. It wasn’t a movie that gave me a deep meaning, but it was just a movie that did a fine job of storytelling. With interesting characters, lots of laughs, and sometimes seemingly-yet-not-so deep comments, it made for an interesting flick. My recommendation: Go watch it.

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